

My name is Eva, I'm Croatian and I live in Zagreb with my Spanish boyfriend Ferran and our dog Cortado. I love learning foreign languages and exploring life in other cultures. While listening to various language podcasts, I realized that the best way to learn a language is to frequently hear native speakers talking at their natural speed and to learn vocabulary in context rather than from textbooks.

I decided to create this podcast because I couldn't find a similar language resource in Croatian. I understand how frustrating it can be to learn a language in class or from textbooks, only to feel lost and lose confidence when trying to converse with native speakers.

My goal is to share my everyday life stories and conversations with friends, providing some background about life in Zagreb. I will speak at my natural pace, using the words and expressions I use daily. I will record stories suitable for different levels, from intermediate to advanced.

In addition to learning languages, I love playing the piano and making music. Having worked as an audio engineer for several years, I am committed to providing high-quality audio for the podcast.

I hope you enjoy the episodes and pick up some new words and expressions along the way. Feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions, or ideas regarding the podcast at croatianwitheva@gmail.com.